Back to School Spinal Checkups

As the twig is bent so grows the tree.

It’s back to school time!! What a wonderful exciting time of year when kids get to move ahead in school and parents can get some more time back in their life again.

While you are thinking about the priorities to kick off Fall successfully, remember to think about the health of your child’s back and neck.

The school stresses may be subtle at first, but they add up over weeks with their repetition; Carrying a back pack, sitting in school desk chairs, working on laptops….all can put a slow and steady stress on a young adults back and neck (and arms and hands as well), that can get stuck there.

When this stress adds up over time the spine gets stuck or misaligned, called ‘Subluxation’, from repetitive use stresses. This in turn leads to headaches, ear aches, slumped shoulders, stomach aches, loss of mobility, back aches, growing pains, and more.

Chiropractic adjustments and Massage correct these spinal problems and restore joint and nerve function important to having good posture, healthy movement, and painfree living. And,different from adults, students tend to respond more quickly to care.

Remember, while you are thinking about things to do to start the school year, think about bringing your student to the chiropractor and make sure they are physically fit to succeed this year!

If you have questions about your son or daughter’s health, or would like to schedule a spinal checkup, Email us at Lakeview Center Chiropracticor call (425) 889-4701. 

Wishing your family a healthy new school year!