Ready to Feel Better?

With a little effort you can get some big returns for better health. Here are a few tips you can use to start feeling better right away. Now is the time. Make this a great start into 2022.

3 Steps to Feeling Better Fast:

  1. Take the first step of admitting to yourself that you really want to feel better. I recently met a person who was about to turn 40. This in there mind was a pivotal time where they felt they wanted to prove to themselves that their health and vitality wasn’t decreasing. This step alone was motivation to bring them into the office and be willing to take a look at where their health was at and see if and how they could improve it. Don’t underestimate the power of ‘deciding’ you want something.

  2. Ask for help. If your body was going to get better it would have done it within 2-4 weeks. Most people wait until they have had a problem until much longer before asking for help. The truth is if you get professional help, you most likely will heal much faster and not have to suffer with a chronic health problem. Be willing and ask for help.

  3. Be prepared to change. We have a successful 3 step process for helping your body get better from most physical health problems we see. 1st get Relief, then Stabilize the problem, then Strengthen the body to keep it from returning. When you are willing to change and allow your body to follow healing steps in the right order for the right time, good things happen and usually that means you get better.

Are you ready to feel better? Follow the afore mentioned steps to create better health for yourself: Decide you want something different, be willing to ask for assistance with your health, and be prepared to make changes to get results. These are 3 powerful steps to help you make change with your health! And it can happen quickly too. A common statement people mention after their very first visit to our office is, “I actually feel better already:)”!

If you have questions about your health, don’t hesitate to call (425)889-4701 or email us to see if we we can help!

Yours in Health,

Daren Penry DC and Staff